Fast Fingers

by Built Interactive LLC.


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Fast Fingers is a challenging game that puts your motor skills and reflexes to the ultimate test. You will keep wanting to push yourself faster and further to see how fast your fingers really are. This simplistic game is what makes it so beautiful, you may think you have Fast Fingers - but do you really?How to play:The game is simple - Tap as Fast as you can. You are given a color clue and you are to tap all the colored dots on the screen of that color. The faster you tap the higher your score will be. As the around goes on the color clue will change and you are to tap the newly given color. The faster you tap the longer you survive the round. Eventually you'll either make a mistake or get so tired of tapping so fast that the round will expire. At the end of the game, you will get to see your score, the highest score, and the number of games you have played and taps you have performed during the round. As your motor and reflexes are challenged and your progress you will be capable of unlocking achievements and eventually play against a pre-set timer. Time-Tap will become more challenging over time which keeps the excitement real and fresh. Simple, right? So tell us how Fast are your Fingers?
Play the free Fast Fingers tapping game and check online to see how you are performing! You can access the various achievements and leaderboard where you can see if you have the sharpest motor skills, and quick reflexes, how Fast are your Fingers?
App Features:Upon downloading and starting the app Fast Fingers, which is a reflex-based tapping game, take a quick look at its interesting features:
• Easy-to-understand user interface to learn and play the tap game with ease.• Family friendly - Challenge your kids and help improve motor skills without them even knowing.• The faster you tap the higher you score.• Easy leveling up which unlocks achievements in Google Game Center.• Access leaderboards to check how other online players are playing. Where will you compare.• Share your reflex score via social media sites• No interrupting ads here: Distraction free, only after the round will you see an ad (Unless you remove them).• The app is optimized for all Android devices. Yes Even Tablets.
Download the free Fast Fingers app now and start tapping as fast as possible to enjoy a tapping frenzy with your fingertips. This is a kid-friendly game: challenge your kids to play the game. The fast tapping game will improve your kid’s motor skills and reflexes.
If you have any feedback, bug reports or suggestions - please contact us at [email protected]
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